
Title API compatibility Category Author
ABC Import 1.x, 2.x, 3.x, 4.x Import [DELETED] 5
Add Chord choosing from symbols chord list 1.x Chord symbols mauro9160
Add Staff 1.x Marc Sabatella
Alto Recorder Tablature 1.x dynup
Arrange Parts 1.x cwhysall
Audiveris 1.x Convertor Canon Derrick
BalancedTree MagicChords Harmony Finder 1.x Analysis, Chord symbols anatoly.gorbunov
Batch Convert 1.x, 2.x, 3.x Batch processing, Export, Convertor, Import Marc Sabatella
Bells Used Chart 1.x Analysis, Notes & Rests, Text nickb
Bombarde et Biniou Koz Tablature Sib 1.x Composing tools patrick.sauger
Brass fingering 1.x Other underquark
Check Fux Counterpoint 1.x Analysis, Composing tools, Proof reading Roland Bouman
Check Harmony Rules 1.x, 2.x, 3.x, 4.x Analysis, Proof reading c3yvonne7
Chord Chart 1.x Chord symbols Jojo-Schmitz
Color all Half Step Notes (Sharps & Flats) Red 1.x, 2.x, 3.x, 4.x [DELETED] 13216
Color the notes of each voice 1.x, 2.x, 3.x, 4.x Analysis, Notes & Rests, Proof reading ozcaveman
Color/Uncolor Notes v2 & v1.2 1.x, 2.x Chord symbols, Notes & Rests, Simplified notation Djamana
Colorstrings 1.x Simplified notation underquark
Concertina Tablature 1.x RichHelms
Convert a natural minor key to either harmonic or melodic 1.x Composing tools, Notes & Rests johnhenry
Convert leadsheet to Impro-Visor playalong file 1.x JazzClub
Convert Scores into Plugins 1.x Composing tools avronp
Convert XML leadsheets to Impro-Visor playalong files (batch) 1.x GordonS
Count Notes (Create performance notes from score commonly used in Handbell scores) 1.x, 2.x, 3.x, 4.x Analysis [DELETED] 13216
Create Chords 1.x Composing tools, Notes & Rests johnhenry
Creative Commons License Generator 1.x KoRnKloWn
Crescendo or Diminuendo Note Velocities 1.x Playback KoRnKloWn
Cue Notes 1.x, 2.x Notes & Rests, Playback Marc Sabatella
Detect simple harmonies (Major, minor, Septime) 1.x Analysis merte
Diatonic accordion tablature 1.x Other Papipio
DoubleTime 1.x Notes & Rests underquark
Erhu Numbered Notation 1.x tcbnhrs
Explode / Implode 1.x Marc Sabatella
Explode Parts 1.x Composing tools cwhysall
Fiddle/violin fingering 1.x Simplified notation lalov
German Fingerling 1.x Simplified notation Jeffrey Edwards
German note names and fingering for brass 1.x Notes & Rests Minitubist
HalfTime 1.x Notes & Rests underquark
HandleVoice 1.x Notes & Rests Papageno
Harmonic Interval names 1.x Analysis, Composing tools, Proof reading Roland Bouman
Harmonica Tablature (Harp) 1.x, 2.x, 3.x, 4.x Notes & Rests, Simplified notation, Text [DELETED] 5
Harmonica Tablature revised edition 1.x, 2.x Notes & Rests, Simplified notation, Text untei
Harp Pedal Diagram 1.x Composing tools, Notes & Rests, Simplified notation, Text iancboswell
InstrumentPartDetails 1.x avronp
iRealb - A plugin to convert a MusicXML file into a iRealb chart 1.x Batch processing, Export, Convertor, Third-party integration dwright
Keyboard View Score 1.x Analysis, Notes & Rests, Simplified notation robson_cozendey
Mark missing courtesy accidentals 1.x heuchi
Micro-interval tuning 1.x Miwarre
MIDI Sight Reader 1.x, 2.x Other DonH
Native American Flute fingering 1.x, 3.x, 4.x Notes & Rests, Simplified notation [DELETED] 5
Note Names 1.x, 2.x, 3.x, 4.x Jojo-Schmitz
PIYiPad 1.x Export, Convertor Deltagirl
PIYiPhone 1.x Export Deltagirl
Plugin Console 1.x [DELETED] 5
Recorder fingering 1.x [DELETED] 5
Recorder Tablature 1.x, 3.x Notes & Rests dvescobedo
Remove notes color 1.x, 2.x, 3.x, 4.x Notes & Rests [DELETED] 5
Reset Note Velocities (Dynamics) to user selected value 1.x [DELETED] 13216
Retrograde 1.x, 3.x Composing tools, Notes & Rests [DELETED] 5
Saxophone Fingering 1.x dragonauta
Scales 1.x Accidentals, Playback Miwarre
Score list of scales 1.x Notes & Rests avronp
Score Statistics 1.x Analysis, Composing tools Miwarre
Shakuhachi Notation, Fingering 1.x, 2.x, 3.x, 4.x Notes & Rests, Simplified notation tcbnhrs
Shape notes - Sacred Harp & Aiken 1.x, 2.x Notes & Rests, Simplified notation [DELETED] 5
Slash Notation Styles 1.x Marc Sabatella
Snippet creator 1.x [DELETED] 5
SoundCloud 1.x [DELETED] 5
Tin Whistle Tab 1.x Composing tools seven
Trombone Slide Positions and Notes English 1.x gatonero
Trumpet Fingering and Notes English 1.x, 2.x, 3.x, 4.x Notes & Rests avcavc
Tune notes for playback with micro tonal intervals 1.x Daeavelwyn
Tuning Note Cents 1.x Playback HosAdeeb
Two Row Diatonic Accordion Fingering 1.x matiss
Version Numbers 1.x Other David Bolton
Violin Colour code 1.x, 2.x, 3.x Notes & Rests, Simplified notation serge.tkint
Violin Fingering 1.x, 2.x, 3.x, 4.x Simplified notation jeetee
VoiceCaster 1.x Notes & Rests underquark