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Type Title Author Comments Last updated
Issue Crescendo, decrescendo and octave lines appear at the top of score chen lung 4 11 years ago
Issue Ties don't reposition after time signature change chen lung 4 11 years ago
Forum topic Latest Musescore offering on YouTube Peter Schaffter 2 11 years ago
Issue Volta brackets should export to all parts David Bolton 12 11 years ago
Forum topic Set backup files with hidden attribuite on Windows ozix 2 11 years ago
Forum topic Musescore master is now built against Qt5 [DELETED] 5 7 11 years ago
Issue Glissando collides with elements before note chen lung 19 11 years ago
Issue Accidental of note on space collides with note head on line chen lung 5 11 years ago
Issue Revert factory settings does not permanently remove mscore-palette.xml David Bolton 5 11 years ago
Issue Brackets no longer draggable danryan 9 11 years ago
Forum topic Cross bar beaming tones67 1 11 years ago
Forum topic State of project [DELETED] 104513 0 11 years ago
Forum topic Percussion playback has odd clicking techlover10 10 11 years ago
Issue Pedal symbol in 1.2 score appears as P chen lung 10 11 years ago
Forum topic Drum notation issues MattB 1 11 years ago
Issue Multi-voice notes in the wrong place chen lung 2 11 years ago
Issue chord list in default style modified by certain operations that load a chord list - can lead to crash Marc Sabatella 4 11 years ago
Issue Chord names from 1.3 are not imported correctly in 2.0 chen lung 4 11 years ago
Issue Unable to enter double dotted note [DELETED] 5 2 11 years ago
Forum topic text & pictures barak.bonham.shencar 1 11 years ago
Issue [Mac] file specified on command line is ignored Leon Vinken 2 11 years ago
Issue Incorrect values when pasting chen lung 6 11 years ago
Forum topic How to Set Tab Spacing for entering Chordname SAFVet 1 11 years ago
Forum topic Recitative Maurice2639 2 11 years ago
Forum topic Irregular grouping of notes in a measure of 9/8 (2+3+2+2) Yiannis 5 11 years ago