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Type Title Author Comments Last updated
Issue Undo Change Instrument doesn't show name of previous instrument chen lung 3 12 years ago
Issue change of length of several notes Billard Sirakawa 2 12 years ago
Forum topic Adding lyrics to music rdaniell_ 2 12 years ago
Issue Clef different to the start doesn't appear when dragging it onto bar space chen lung 3 12 years ago
Issue [Trunk] Sound does not change in Mixer chen lung 2 12 years ago
Issue [1.1] Courtesy accidentals in parentheses appear in next bar if accidental is present in previous bar, in LilyPond file chen lung 3 12 years ago
Issue [trunk] Changing time signature without rewriting does not work [DELETED] 5 10 12 years ago
Issue [Trunk] Changing time signature of scores with a semibreve in first voice and no time signature change causes crash chen lung 3 12 years ago
Issue Delete time signature+undo of instrument with single stave in part causes crash chen lung 2 12 years ago
Issue Cannot undo transpose chen lung 2 12 years ago
Forum topic D.S. does not stick after reload Sean Oliveras 2 12 years ago
Forum topic A movement for chamber orchestra: Sinfonyeti [DELETED] 807846 3 12 years ago
Forum topic QML Help DonH 7 12 years ago
Forum topic request: trombone position( "fingering") jouni 8 12 years ago
Forum topic Saving file into SVG format produces some weird results. Wena D Parry 18 12 years ago
Forum topic Options for debugging QML plugins? Miwarre 10 12 years ago
Forum topic Plugin framework: Cursor Miwarre 0 12 years ago
Issue [trunk] Crash on changing time signature Miwarre 6 12 years ago
Forum topic Chord articulation documentation. ChurchOrganist 2 12 years ago
Forum topic What do you scan with? Dave Sawdon 7 12 years ago
Forum topic Problem with repeats Dave Sawdon 2 12 years ago
Forum topic "Which hand to use" symbol (not verbose, the actual symbol) 255 10 12 years ago
Forum topic Translation in the new qml pulgin framework Jojo-Schmitz 3 12 years ago
Issue Arrow too far on tablature causes crash David Bolton 5 12 years ago
Forum topic Drumline Soundfont ChurchOrganist 8 12 years ago