
Type Title Author Comments Last updated
Forum topic Articulations properties window – what does it do? geetar 3 9 years ago
Forum topic Fretboard diagrams does not remain attached to staff at the correct location geetar 4 9 years ago
Forum topic Position number on fretboard diagrams? geetar 1 9 years ago
Forum topic Creating guitar rhythm lines that playback geetar 1 9 years ago
Forum topic Repeats not spanning systems and tempo issues in score geetar 2 9 years ago
Forum topic Shortcuts to create notes below current note geetar 4 9 years ago
Forum topic Difference between system text and staff text geetar 14 9 years ago
Forum topic Need "are you sure" option on delete palette geetar 1 9 years ago
Forum topic Request for new symbol: accent with staccato dot geetar 4 9 years ago
Forum topic Overlapping slurs don't turn blue when selected. geetar 2 9 years ago
Forum topic Line palette questions geetar 5 9 years ago
Forum topic Problem with diamond notehead and others geetar 1 9 years ago
Forum topic Inserting vertical frame to measure 1 breaks off brace/bracket etc. geetar 3 9 years ago
Forum topic Palettes - Questions geetar 6 9 years ago
Forum topic Whole bar rests geetar 5 9 years ago
Forum topic Unexpected Brace behaviour in staff/Tab systems geetar 7 9 years ago
Forum topic Title frame - adding to and moving geetar 3 9 years ago
Forum topic Ties and slurs in wrong position after copy and paste geetar 10 9 years ago
Forum topic Is this a note entry bug? geetar 7 9 years ago
Forum topic PDF rendition gives fuzzy noteheads geetar 3 9 years ago
Forum topic Forum notification settings. geetar 0 9 years ago
Forum topic Moving from one note to another in a chord - issue geetar 1 9 years ago
Forum topic Overlapping noteheads in two voices - a TAB issue geetar 12 9 years ago
Forum topic Moving between staff voices - issues geetar 4 9 years ago