
Type Title Author Comments Last updated
Forum topic page number PDF ph 1 14 years ago
Forum topic page layout - names and numbers ph 1 14 years ago
Forum topic create part - crash ph 12 14 years ago
Forum topic notehead changes ph 2 14 years ago
Forum topic chordname size not copied correctly ph 15 14 years ago
Forum topic staves distance ph 10 14 years ago
Forum topic midi input ph 0 14 years ago
Forum topic wrong key for new instruments ph 1 14 years ago
Forum topic change instrument in part ph 6 14 years ago
Forum topic velocity not active ph 2 14 years ago
Forum topic bb and ## ph 5 14 years ago
Forum topic courtesy accidentals ph 12 14 years ago
Forum topic copy paste dynamics, hairpins etc. ph 5 14 years ago
Forum topic multi measure rest ph 3 14 years ago
Forum topic X-Y axes for dynamics ph 7 14 years ago
Forum topic instrument name ph 2 14 years ago
Forum topic playback grace notes, ph 2 14 years ago
Forum topic 2 invisible wishes ph 3 14 years ago
Forum topic grace notes do not follow ph 4 14 years ago
Forum topic page number in overview panel ph 0 14 years ago
Forum topic score jumping ph 1 14 years ago
Forum topic dynamics etc. for whole score ph 0 14 years ago
Forum topic error transposing chord name to Eb-instruments ph 2 14 years ago
Forum topic space between title and system ph 1 14 years ago
Forum topic play previous not working ph 1 14 years ago