Raymond Wicquart

Type Title Author Comments Last updated
Forum topic How to make triplets? Howard-C 5 6 years ago
Forum topic Notes tenues (liées) ... pas tant que cela Coil Cresteel 5 6 years ago
Forum topic Is there a way to get the repeat measure symbol for more then 1 measure? Mjmatthews51 3 6 years ago
Forum topic A way to add parts in certain systems and not others Aspara_Gus116 2 6 years ago
Issue Dynamic Flow Sajedoo Sajed Doo 4 6 years ago
Forum topic I can't get the playback to go back to DS cdrexler1130 2 6 years ago
Forum topic Creating two sets of connected triplets Cee Squared 8 6 years ago
Forum topic N-olet spécial que je ne parviens pas à créer Simon Lecaulle 3 6 years ago
Forum topic Fusion et séparation de 4 voix ChCNd 2 6 years ago
Forum topic Changing clefs Prokeys88 2 6 years ago
Forum topic Mesure à 3/2 kratchka 6 6 years ago
Forum topic entering rhythm marker lines Moorlander 2 6 years ago
Forum topic Making score take up less pages (urgent) Oliver Duffy 2 6 years ago
Forum topic écouter des reprises y.bli 4 6 years ago
Issue Tuba Bb, incorrect key signature when using "Concert pitch" button bastien44 2 6 years ago
Forum topic Plusieurs répétitions et To coda jviviers@me.com 10 6 years ago
Forum topic Reprise et/ou saut ? yvesdansle64 4 6 years ago
Forum topic triplets not playing as triplets JSMozart 5 6 years ago
Forum topic Second Part Editing Reid-Spreiter 4 6 years ago
Forum topic Missing dynamic in part jcorelis 4 6 years ago
Forum topic triplets in 12/8 time nimbucina 5 6 years ago
Forum topic duolet jean-pierre 8 6 years ago
Forum topic L'opéra de quat sous de Brecht Weill Billard Sirakawa 2 6 years ago
Forum topic Partition Raymond Wicquart 0 6 years ago
Forum topic Chiffre indicateur de nombre de mesure. rémifa 17 6 years ago