System Message

Type Title Author Comments Last updated
Issue Opening attached score causes crash ChurchOrganist 15 12 years ago
Issue Drumset note on incorrect staff line DanGonz 9 12 years ago
Issue No new time signatures in master palette possible. 8 12 years ago
Issue plugin 'resetvelocity' does not work on voice 4 Jojo-Schmitz 4 12 years ago
Issue plugin 'countnotes' does not work on voice 4 Jojo-Schmitz 3 12 years ago
Issue plugin 'ColorVoices' does not work on voice 4 Jojo-Schmitz 6 12 years ago
Issue Arpeggio settings required StarBrilliant 8 12 years ago
Issue [Trunk] Undo after Delete Selected Measures doesn't reinstate them until page is reset chen lung 2 12 years ago
Issue [Trunk] Not enough space for accidentals of grace notes chen lung 2 12 years ago
Issue [Trunk] Delete selected measures in first bar and undo introduces courtesy clef(s) chen lung 2 12 years ago
Issue [Trunk] Removing treble stave produces treble clef on remaining bass stave chen lung 2 12 years ago
Issue [Trunk] Re-opening score with 'Documents Stacked/Side-by-Side' previously enabled and playing causes crash chen lung 2 12 years ago
Issue [Trunk] Bar featuring multi-voice that expands/contracts after moving note in chord causes the final note(s) to appear defective chen lung 3 12 years ago
Issue [Trunk] Transpose produces a mess of the score chen lung 2 12 years ago
Issue [Trunk] Added staff during score creation doesn't feature bar lines chen lung 5 12 years ago
Issue [Trunk] 'Add Linked Staff' to single-staff instrument after score creation produces another tempo text chen lung 2 12 years ago
Issue [Trunk] 'Add Linked Staff' to existing single-staff instrument and undo causes crash chen lung 3 12 years ago
Issue Lack of space in Synthesiser window chen lung 2 12 years ago
Issue Transposition and Undo/Redo malfunctioning on pitch and percussion score chen lung 4 12 years ago
Issue [trunk] Footer offset is acting differently on odd and even pages [DELETED] 5 3 12 years ago
Issue Title entered after score creation not placed correctly chen lung 10 12 years ago
Issue Titel-Text wird in den ersten Notentakt gesetzt wenn nachtraeglich nur ueber Einfuegen -> Text -> Titel eingegeben wird. 8 12 years ago
Issue Measure Bar Lines Disappear when Staffs or Measures are hidden detmer14 10 12 years ago
Issue [trunk 5599] Score page number does not align vertically vanferry 8 12 years ago
Issue Click in the navigator moves box only horizontally [DELETED] 5 2 12 years ago