System Message

Type Title Author Comments Last updated
Issue [MusicXML import] [trunk] import error: 46a-Barlines.xml: unexpected multi-measure rests Leon Vinken 3 12 years ago
Issue Cut or Copy on single tuplet has no effect chen lung 9 12 years ago
Issue [trunk] Layout problem, notes overlap jorgk3 9 12 years ago
Issue [Trunk] Applying different time signature in any bar after the first causes crash chen lung 4 12 years ago
Issue Note positioning bug TomVal 8 12 years ago
Issue [trunk] instrument string tunings are forced to be in sequential order Miwarre 2 12 years ago
Issue error Importing Capella file Vitorraf 13 12 years ago
Issue [1.2 prerelease] Capella Import corrupts score at triplet Jojo-Schmitz 8 12 years ago
Issue ChangeTitle from Unstyled to Styled -> crash JazzClub 2 12 years ago
Issue [MusicXML] [1.2] Handle tuplet property "number" Leon Vinken 2 12 years ago
Issue [Trunk] Percussion clef incorrectly positioned on non-5-line stave chen lung 2 12 years ago
Issue [Trunk] Tremolo appear with one stroke under each note chen lung 2 12 years ago
Issue [Trunk] Dragging slur from palette onto score causes crash chen lung 2 12 years ago
Issue stem direction Uphoff 14 12 years ago
Issue Decrease Reverb and Chorus to the minimum and increase volume to maximum by default chen lung 10 12 years ago
Issue Copying and pasting notes does not honour beam direction lamb86 8 12 years ago
Issue [MusicXML import] [1.2] import error: 45e-Repeats-Nested-Alternatives.xml: repeat start missing Leon Vinken 3 12 years ago
Issue [MusicXML import] [1.2] import error: 46a-Barlines.xml: unexpected multi-measure rests Leon Vinken 4 12 years ago
Issue [Trunk] Adding quarter grace note to note with existing set of beamed grace notes causes infinite stems chen lung 14 12 years ago
Issue [MusicXML] [1.2] Export notations imported by issue 14827 Leon Vinken 3 12 years ago
Issue [MusicXML import] [1.2] import error: 32a-Notations.xml: missing notations Leon Vinken 4 12 years ago
Issue [MusicXML] [1.2] Bad pitch and alter exported for cross staff note [DELETED] 5 3 12 years ago
Issue [MusicXML] [1.2] Export of trill line fails Leon Vinken 3 12 years ago
Issue [trunk] Pictures added to a frame have a fixed initial size of 200x200 Miwarre 2 12 years ago
Issue [trunk] SVG images are embedded without transparency Miwarre 2 12 years ago