exporting parts - how to export the chord symbols with every part?

• Jul 30, 2015 - 08:32


I'm using musescore to note piano, vocal and chords and would normally add the chords to the voice system.

I like the feature to extract parts (all, piano only, voice only) but how can I get the chords for both - the piano (only) and voice (only) version. As far as I understood it I have to add the chords to either the piano or the voice so one part is missing the chords after extraction - except I would add the chords to piano AND voice - but this would look strange for the version with piano and voice.

Any idea how to solve this?




See the discussion in #28476: Chord symbols with System flag set do not transpose when propagated to parts and #31261: Request a way to have concert key chord symbols on top of score in presence of Hide Empty Staves. So no, there is no real solution to this Problem yet.
At one time there was the idea of having a 0-line staff to attach those chord symbols to, then you#d just add that staff to all the parts you want to have those chord symbols. Another idea was to use the 'System' property of chord symbols for that (which currently does exists but has no effect), Problem with that is what is is supposed to happen in connection with transposing instruments.

In reply to by klaus.kleiner

I have about the same problem, I make arangements for a group of accordeonplayers, with 3 difrent parts for accordeon and a base guitar. I found a workaround for it , First I made folder on my PC with the name accordeonclub, with 4 subfolders acc1, 2, 3 and base. When I make the conducterscore, I add chords on accordeon 1, and save it in the folder accordeonclub, then I extract the different parts, and save them in the coresponding subfolders Now I close everything, and reopen the different parts, first I open acc: 1, select the first chord, then rightclick on it, end choose for select all symalar objects, and copy them, then I open the next part, select the note where the first chord schould come en rigcht click on it and paste, all the chords come in the right place so you just have to save the score again. open the next part, until all the parts are done
This is for M.S 2.0 and higer, in 1.3 I had an other method
Sorry for my bad english, it isn't my primary language

In reply to by klaus.kleiner

>> It would rally be nice to have such a 0-line staff with chord symbols.

I make 0-line staff's w/ chord symbols all the time. My trick? Well I right click on a staff to edit staff properties, I set # lines to 1, and then I set the staff to invisible! Now all my chord symbols and rhythms are visible without any line. :)

I wanted to share this template I just made for a vox & piano where I want chords on both parts. The essential steps are:

  1. I create a single-line unpitched *percussion* part which is used for chords. Unpitched so I don't have any key signatures on it.
  2. I set staff properties to invsible and also set distance between lines to 0. (that helps keep that staff small and closer to the rest of the staffs below it).
  3. I set my text style for chords to be below oriented below reference. (again to keep chords symbols not too far away).
  4. I create new parts, but don't use automatic "New all" setting. Rather I create new part and select "Chords" and "Vox", and create another part using "Chords" and "Piano".
  5. Then some tweaking...had to disable multimeasure rests since they were making it hard to hide their staff line. Also I had to set a bunch of things to invisible, like the first line on the left of the system and the clefs.

When I export "Scores & Parts" (pdf attached), you can see how the chords display above each part seperately, as well as only once on the full score.

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