Find a numerical rehearsal mark using Ctrl-F

• Apr 8, 2016 - 00:25

Somehow I cannot seem to get the Find (Ctrl-F) function to find what I want, so some help is appreciated.

I started a score using the same rehearsal marks as the original scan I am transcribing. The marks are numerical, so no letters.

I would expect the MuseScore Find to go to a bar number first, and the numerical mark second before it quits.

I succeeded to find a page as per handbook instruction: Crtl-F and then enter e.g. "p46" for page 46.
When I enter a number e.g. "33", it goes to bar number 33.
But when I enter a number to find a rehearsal mark, nothing happens.

It seems for the Find function to work well, it assumes that rehearsal marks use letters or a combination of letters and numbers. I am correct? If so, how to find numerical marks then?

Find carat?
What is this drop-down carat for in the Find function (see screenshot)? It is empty.

The way I see it means either one of those:

  • A list of previous search terms (does not work);
  • A selection for page, bar or rehearsal mark searches (does work either).



Attachment Size
Find.jpg 2.79 KB


Numbers are not recommended for use in rehearsal marks. I guess this was done by some publishers in the past, but use of letters i pretty much universal now. The Find feature currently assumes a numebr is a measure number. It's very easy to change your rehearsal marks from numbers into letters - just change the first one to "A", then Edit / Tools / Reseuence Rehearsal Marks. If you need to keep the numbers for compatibility with other editions, consider adding a second second of hidden rehearsal marks using letters.

Feel free to submit a feature request using the Issue Tracker for a syntax like "r5" that would tell MuseScore to interpret the number "5" as a rehearsal mark rather than a measure number.

I don't know what the carat is doing there. It does indeed look like a dropdown, but doesn't seem hooked up to anything.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks Marc for the answers.

Indeed, I am transcribing old score with numerical rehearsal marks. MuseScore does a good job in placing numerical marks. So it would be beneficial to be able to find the marks too.

I will submit a feature request in the issue tracker and see what happens. A prefix "r" in the Find function will do the trick, I think.



If using numbers are used for rehersal marks, they usually match measure numbers, and then Ctrl-F as well as make Edit / Tools / Resequence Rehearsal Marks work properly

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

FWIW,. the resequence algorithms works by checking the first marl in the selection and trying to guess what kind of sequencing you want. If it's a letter, it assumes you want regular alphabetic sequencing. If it's a number, it checks to see if the number matches the measure number. If it does, it assumes you want measure numbering and resequences accoringly. If not, it assumes you want sequential numbering.

The main problem the UI is missleading
Strg+f is find somthing.
Strg+g is goto something

Musescore uses strg+f not in the standard way and confuse in such way the people.

it seems that for the FIND function to work for rehearsal marks:

1. The rehearsal mark must start with a letter. After this first letter you can use letters or numbers: A1, A2, R23z etc. can all be "found."
2. Capital and small letters are treated the same.

In reply to by geetar

I agree. Find works with letter-based rehearsal marks only.

However, that is inconsistent with the rehearsal mark implementation which allows the use of numerical marks as well.

So either keep a common standard (e.g. letter-based marks only) or allow any type of rehearsal mark to be found.



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