
Typ Titel Autor Comments Zuletzt aktualisiert
Issue Program crash on selecting the bar alanor87 4 vor 7 Jahren
Issue Overture import can include unescaped ampersands. zooltech 7 vor 7 Jahren
Issue in score with slurs and parts delete time sig, then undo -> crash Jojo-Schmitz 11 vor 7 Jahren
Issue Piece: Married Life Problem: Tempo Emma O'Coin 3 vor 7 Jahren
Issue Icon size is too small!! Miyer 9 vor 7 Jahren
Forum topic How do i do this? Paul Gabriel P… 3 vor 7 Jahren
Forum topic How Can I Remove Excess Space Created Above First Lyric Line? Mertz 2 vor 7 Jahren
Forum topic When opening this .mscz file, musescore crashes eman1003 3 vor 7 Jahren
Forum topic saving Musescore to *XML guarnerius4me 2 vor 7 Jahren
Forum topic Playback Keith Paton 4 vor 7 Jahren
Issue Remove "public domain" from license options in Save Online ... Thomas 14 vor 7 Jahren
Forum topic Adding to one part by copy from another Brian A 2 vor 7 Jahren
Forum topic New Statistics are not being logged Timothy K Hamilton 3 vor 7 Jahren
Forum topic Pedal Sellor 2 vor 7 Jahren
Forum topic Windows Nightlies Archives [DELETED] 5 7 vor 7 Jahren
Forum topic Increased space between barlines whilst notes follow the increased space Wim Sandee 2 vor 7 Jahren
Forum topic Trill playback issue izzychns 4 vor 7 Jahren
Issue Instruments window does not open YaSamy 4 vor 7 Jahren
Forum topic Several separate songs on one page Isabella Uhl 7 vor 7 Jahren
Forum topic Help for a Special Repeat Sign MusicFreedom 2 vor 7 Jahren
Forum topic edit Anny O. Densmore 3 vor 7 Jahren
Forum topic Text position Keith Paton 1 vor 7 Jahren
Forum topic Played back help chivito2k 1 vor 7 Jahren
Forum topic Repeat confusion Joriah Kwame Fleming 7 vor 7 Jahren
Issue unify save/restore window positions jeetee 16 vor 7 Jahren