
Typ Titel Autor Comments Zuletzt aktualisiert
Forum topic How to add a dot to a note without affecting the next measure? Eric Vera 9 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic Replacing a crotchet rest with a crotch rest after a tied note 4 vor 4 Jahren
Issue Crash/assertion failure playing to end of score Marc Sabatella 15 vor 4 Jahren
Issue Crash after playback tobik 2 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic Enharmonic Key signatures iiriarte 3 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic spacing between pages rcktech 4 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic How do I notate the highlighted measure? reynard61 4 vor 4 Jahren
Issue Mac: Installing update does not work. minniang1 12 vor 4 Jahren
Issue The “I/O” tab of the “Preferences” dialog should use radio buttons instead of checkboxes Spire42 5 vor 4 Jahren
Issue Using Edit > Preferences causes crash when no score is open Jojo-Schmitz 9 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic How do you unmute an electric guitar? Barrold the Br… 3 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic MuseScore Tone mjbartemusica1 3 vor 4 Jahren
Issue "Continue last session" (from Preferences > General) doesn't work anymore, starts empty instead Jojo-Schmitz 12 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic Change single full notes into joined half notes in 3/4 bar niamhwilliams 2 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic Insert Horizontal Frame (Guitar Tab) niamhwilliams 7 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic Ipad elizabethanta 2 vor 4 Jahren
Issue MuseScore crashes on startup LimeGreenTeknii 6 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic Musescore2 CL00725 16 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic Jazz piano charts David Herrington 5 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic question about crescendos on repeats king_nothing 1 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic Inconsistent behaviour with dynamics when creating parts from voices sammik 42 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic Uploading problem Spencer Riffle 1 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic 12/8 time Tom Champion 8 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic Concert Pitch - Spanish Translation Dexter Bass 15 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic Alternate music fonts [DELETED] 4884341 8 vor 4 Jahren