pdf import has changed - and it doesn't work anymore!

• Feb 16, 2021 - 17:57

I used the "import pdf" many times with no problems (of course some correction work has to be done, but it's OK).
Today I tried to import a file (quite a simple one by the way) but it was downloaded as a zip file (others were not) and it results as "corrupt" upon opening it with musescore.
Has an "update" been made? Not promising
Giovanni Frigieri


Ouch... indeed, very bad state.
Something went wrong in this conversion. Could you attach the source (the pdf file) itself?

"Has an "update" been made?"
I don't think so. In any case, there has been no information on this as far as I know.

Not sure why the filename might have been changed to ZIP, but to be clear: the experimental service provided by msuescore.com using the open source converter Audiveris is always rolling the dice a bit. Sometimes it works well, sometimes not so well, other times barely or not at all. This isn't anything new, been that way for years. This particular score just seems to be one of the ones that happened to come out "barely at all".

It also is a rather old conversion, from MuseScore 2.0.3 times, so from a date between April 6, 2016 and May 2, 2017.
Actually here from April 12, 2016, as the zip reveals.

If a PDF with the same 'fingerprint' gets uploaded again, it doesn't get converted again (and with a possibly newer Audiveris), instead the first conversion gets sent.
I'm complainining about that since long, but apparently am getting ignored...

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