"Tie" shortcut (+) doesn't work on existing notes?

• Nov 6, 2021 - 08:25

(MS v3.6) When you're entering notes and you press + (plus), it adds a tied, similar note.
But if you select an existing note and press + , instead of adding a tied note, it adds a tie to the next similar note, crossing over any notes between them (see screenshot). That's not right, is it?

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It is intentional and allows for the creation of the "romantic" chord build-up such as this, which is not possible during note entry mode:

Also, slight correction:
When you're entering notes and you press + (plus), it adds a tied note of the then selected duration.
You can change the duration selection between the first note and the tie action.

In reply to by jeetee

jeetee > It is intentional and allows for the creation of the "romantic" chord build-up such as this...

Thanks for explaining. I understand how that can be useful in your example.
I now appreciate MS's "Tie" behaviour in note-entry mode, where it adds the tied-to note as well as the tie. Why should you need to specify a tied-to note's pitch? And yet, other notation apps make you do that.
When editing existing music, I'll just need to remember to create tied-to notes before tying them. It's a bit unintuitive, but I can do it. 😉

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