extreme spacing between one set of staffs..

• Mar 28, 2022 - 02:32

Please see attached image - How do I remove this excessive space? It appeared (randomly) whilst working on the score, can't seem to make it go away..

Thanks in advance!


Attachment Size
staff spacing.png 22.5 KB


It's best to attach the score itself (i.e., the .mscz file) rather than a picture of it. It looks like a score element got dragged way out of position, causing the excessive gap between those 2 staves.
Try this...
1. Press Ctrl + A to select everything.
2. Press Ctrl + R to reset.

If this doesn't work, attach the score.

In reply to by MTXRooster

Your score seem to have a whole bunch of "phantom" empty staff text elements that are forcing extra space to be allocated. Probably the easiest thing to do to fix this is to delete all staff texts at once (eg, right-clcik the "10 seconds in" text, Select / All Similar Elements, then Delete). Then add back whatever staff texts you actually need.

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