Musescore is crashing when I change a grace note in a score

• Sep 24, 2024 - 15:26

When I add a grace note in a score for recorder ensemble, Musescore Crashed every time I changed a grace note. I am using Musescore 4.4.2 in Ubuntu 24.04.

I added the file where the crashes happened.

Hopefully this can be fixed, it is really annoying :)

Friendly regards
Debbie van den Berg

Attachment Size
Ixi - Mixi - Dixi.mscz 29.2 KB


Do you add grace notes in a particular place (measure, beat, notes)? I've added ten or so at random in the score and edited a few others: I don't get any crashes.
Just a question: have you download the 4.4.2 in AppImage format, the only one supported by the Musescore team (or say with Flatpak)?

In reply to by cadiz1

Thank you for your quick reply!

I add grace notes to particular notes, and if I change them for a second time Musescore crashes. I had some problems with finding and installing the latest Musescore version on my Linux computer and I think I ended up installing the flatpak. Ubuntu did not have the latest version in their software centre.

Let's see if I can install the AppImage format on my computer and I let you know if that solved the grace note crashing problem.

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