If using multi measure rests, the visual presentation of such rest becomes longer and longer each time I store the score.

• Sep 15, 2017 - 14:55
Reported version
S4 - Minor

Having a score with a multi measure rest. Then each time I store the score (with Ctrl S for example), the multi measure rest becomes longer and longer (in the score viewing), but after closing and reopening the score, the repesentation of the multi measure rest on the screen is again normal.


Title If using multi measure rests, the presentation on such rest becomem longer and longer each time I store the score. If using multi measure rests, the presentation on such rest becomes longer and longer each time I store the score.
Title If using multi measure rests, the presentation on such rest becomes longer and longer each time I store the score. If using multi measure rests, the visual presentation of such rest becomes longer and longer each time I store the score.