exported MIDI file differs from mscz file after re-import

• Apr 10, 2016 - 12:04
S4 - Minor

Find attached mscz file. I export as mid file and reopen in Musescore 2.02 again. In tacet 1 a 16th pause is missing and in tacet 6 a 16th pause is created.

Shouldn't the two files be identical again?


Attachment Size
Spain_Interlude.mscz 7.5 KB
Spain_Interlude.mid 379 bytes


With tacet you mean measure I guess? "tacet" is Latin for "it is silent".

The files should be identical, but detecting whether s staccato is jist than or a shorted note folloed by a rest in something that a MIDI files doesn't tell, it just has a pitches and note on/off events, so MuseScore has to guess.

Status (old) active needs info

In general, MIDI doesn't contian *nearly* enough data to guarantee the music will look exactly the same after export / import. It is missing very basic fundamental information like whether a short note is a sixteenth or a staccato quarter, whether a note should be spelled C# or Db, and hundreds of other vital pieces of information. MusicXML is a better format for this as it was designed for this purpose (whereas MIDI was designed for an entirely different purpose).