[space] behaviour during notes entering

• Jul 5, 2011 - 18:09
Graphical (UI)
S4 - Minor
by design

Titile : [space] behaviour during notes entering

Context : Windows XP SP3 + MuseScore 1.0

Summary : This is perhaps the right way it should work, but while entering notes, if I struck the [space] key (wanting a silence or the like) ... it starts plaing the tune (the key stroke seems to give the focus to the "play" button in its toolbar).

Description : For example, striking ("n" mode) "aa b" enters "a" "a"

Workaround : - I strike a note, then come back and hit the [Suppr] key ;)

Notes : this can also be linked to the "[tab] behaviour during lyrics entering" bur report

Titre : comportement de la touche [espace] pendant la saisie des notes.

Contexte : système Windows XP SP3 et MuseScore 1.0

Résumé : Appuyer sur la touche [espace] pendant la saisie de notes lance le rejeu de la partition...cela semble donner le focus au bouton "play" de la barre d'outils "lecteur".

Détail : Créer une partition, entrer en mode saisie de note (mode "n") et saisir "aa b", cela donne les notes "la" "la" puis la partition est jouée.

Contournement : - je saisi une note, puis je reviens la supprimer.

Remarque : ce bug peut être rapproché de celui du comportement de la touche [tab] pendant la saisie des paroles.


Where specifically are you still seeing a reference to using space to create rests that doesn't specially say, "in versions 0.9.6 and earlier" or words to that effect? All the references to rests I see make this clear : 0 in current versions, space in older versions.

This is indicated in the french help file included in the 1.0 fr pack I'm using, page 12.
On the site help page, it is no longer specified.
I've created a document issue for this purpose, this one can be closed as "user interface" bug report.