Accidental sometimes incorrect when note duplicated in two voices

• Jul 17, 2011 - 00:46
S4 - Minor

MuseScore 1.1 prelease2

1. open attached score, in the key of G
2. click the eighth rest on the "and" of 1 in the bottom bass clef voice
3. press "F"
4. bug 1: note changes to F#, losing the natural in the top voice
5. now press down arrow
6. bug 2: the accidental disappears, even though both notes are now F natural and require the accidental

Various attempts at reducing this to a simpler case failed

Attachment Size
voice_accidental_bug.mscz 1.76 KB


Actually, I am not sure about the expected behavior for bug #1. at that point, there is both an F sharp and an F natural on the stem. I think the correct thing is to show both accidentals, but it may also be correct to show both noteheads (on either side of the stem). It's a situation I normally try to avoid, because it's ugly no matter what. If this were the only bug, I wouldn't be concerned, as the user can add the second accidental and flip the notehead if desired himself.

But for bug #2, there is now an F natural in both voices. Nothing at all complex about that case: there simply needs to be a natural sign there. The workaround of adding the accidental manually still exists, but given that this is not a particularly unusual situation, it seems less acceptable.

What's odd is it seemed to work better when I made a test case of a simple half note, or even eighth notes. When I added the F in the second voice, instead of the accidental changing to sharp, it remained natural. Technically not right, because at that point there was one of each, but again, I'm not sure what the right answer is. And in any case, when I then hit down arrow, the natural sign remained in place, so the final result was correct.

So it's not like MuseScore always gets the accidental wrong when it's in both voices. Not sure why the simple test cases work but my example here doesn't.

BTW, this was the only real glitch I noticed in entering over a hundred measures worth of piano music like this yesterday with the prerelease.

Yes, both bugs exist in latest nightly. Bug 1 is that both a natural and a sharp should be displayed, since both are present. Bug 2 is that the sharp sign disappears after hitting the down arrow - we now have a F natural in both voices, but no visible natrual.

Might be related to the other bug you mention, but I am not deleting anything here, so it's not quite the same.

Ironically, despite me trying to clean the issue tracker, closing this sort-of wasn't actually in my mind - it was just to confirm if they perhaps were similar.

If you want to wait, that's fine :).

Yes. I haven't completely thought it through, but my gut feel is that it might be possible to address (fix & then close) this issue) while leaving the others open because they would require more significant changes.