Dividing one word over more notes...

• Jun 26, 2016 - 18:58
Reported version
S5 - Suggestion

The text: Fi-nal-ly:
in a 4/4 rythm
Fi = 3/16
nal = 1/16 added to 1/8 (so the tone sounds 3/16 length)
ly = 1/16 + 1/16 + 1/4
after these come two 1/8 and the measure is full

The problem: if a textpart is divided over more notes, is there the possibility to put after the textphrase an underline to make clear how long de tone must be holded on, but as written above
Finally is one word and the part 'nal' is bounded via an - to ly but nal needs two notes thus an underscore. In Musescore I can't do both. But in this case it is needed both. May be there's an easy solution, if not the program needs to be altered.

I am dutch, so I hope my English makes the problemn clear to you...
GIT commit: 3c7a69d


Status (old) needs info closed
Reported version 3.0 2.1

Brief response in English:
Depending on how you note the nal (you may write it as 3/16 as well) it could even be a single note. If it isn't, the convention is to write Fi-nal--ly__.
For usage questions like this, please go to the forums first. There is a dutch subforum if you prefer to be helped in dutch: https://musescore.org/nl/forum/38

Recap in Dutch:
Voor zover ik weet, wordt de underscore enkel gebruikt voor het aanhouden van een laatste lettergreep. Bij andere lettergrepen worden gewoon meerdere koppeltekens geplaatst.

Voor dit soort gebruiksvragen richt je je best eerst tot het forum. Zie de link in deze post voor het nederlandstalige deel. Ook helpt het vaak als je de partituur (of een stuk ervan) aan je post kan hangen, dat maakt het makkelijker voor ons om je te helpen.

To be clear: underscores are never supposed to be used within a word. They are only supposed to be used at the end of a word. So a syllable gets a hyphen or an underscore, but never both. This is the way the standard rules of music notation work, so it is how MuseScore works as well.

Standard rules of music notation have changed over the years, however. Or more accurately, the collection of idiosyncratic practises used by various publishers and engravers has evolved into a more coherent whole that comprises the rules we use today.

It was not uncommon in the 18th century for vocal parts to be written or engraved using baseline extenders between syllables of a single word. At the present time I am editing and transcribing a set of motets written c. 1742 which were printed in that style when they were published by Welcker in the mid 1760s. For publication of historically-accurate reproduction editions, it would be useful if MuseScore allowed such a departure from the modern rules.