Beaming problems with eighth notes across a page turn in 5/8 time

• Sep 8, 2016 - 21:51
Reported version
S3 - Major

Musescore doesn't render beams across a page turn properly. The example is from an orchestral score I am working on in 5/8 time. This might happen in other time signatures.

In the example, the beamed eighth note from measure 7 should hook up with the following eighth note in measure 8. However the eighth note in measure 8 looks like a quarter note in Musescore 2.0.3.
In Musescore 3 unstable nightly build, the eighth note correctly displays; however it is impossible to connect the beam with the eighth note of the previous measure. I.e. it stubbornly remains a standalone eighth note.

Basically Musescore should properly attach the beamed eighth notes in both cases.

Attachment Size
test 5-8 beaming.mscz 13.42 KB


Two thoughts:

1. You can add or subtract stretch so that such breaks do not occur across page turns. Remember that performers don't need additional complications in their lives; page turns should always be placed so that nothing that isn't intuitive happens across them.

2. In this particular score, is there a musical reason for not beaming the fourth and fifth beats of m.7 together (as you have done in mm. 1-6) and continuing the same pattern of beaming through mm. 8 et seq.?

It's true that a lot of scores are complicated; however with orchestral scores beaming over barlines happens often in works with complex time signatures or beaming. In this particular score, the reason for beaming the eigths in two is that the two measures are actually in 5/4 rhythm. So the beaming reflects the intended time signature without putting a new time signature in.