Importing MIDI error+not sure how to fix

• Sep 11, 2016 - 20:16
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Graphical (UI)

I imported a MIDI of a wind ensemble piece, but the trumpet, french horn, and one trombone part got assigned a piano instrument upon loading the file in Musescore. I went to change the instruments from piano to their respective instruments, but for some reason the staffs remained in Grand Staff rather than splitting into two different staffs. Please tell me how to fix this because I don't want my french horn and trombone parts stuck together :)



In addition to this, the Marimba and Glockenspiel parts imported as drum kit parts. Even after changing the instrument, it still won't let me change from the percussion clef. >~<

Status (old) active needs info

In order to help, we would need you to attach the MIDI file you are having problems with.

Also, in general, it is better to ask for help in the Support forum, and only file a bug report if it is confirmed that there is in fact a bug involved. It could well turn out that your MIDI file simply uses non-General MIDI program numbers or is otherwise non-standard in its configuration.

Status (old) needs info active

Could you attach that MIDI file?
Regarding the Grand Staff - if the MIDI channel of two consecutive non-drum tracks is the same, and the MIDI program is one of the Grand Staff programs, then tracks are considered to form a Grand Staff:……

Instrument change in the MIDI import panel will not change the MIDI program or channel, and hence, the Grand Staff property. So it's very likely that the MIDI program of the tracks is from the list above and implicitly contains Grand Staff.

I figured out both of my issues after some manipulation. The MIDI editor i was using defaults trumpet to "Trumpets Legato" but i switched it to "Trumpet Solo". Legato read as the B flat trumpet and since there is no file for a secondary B flat Trumpet Musescore defaulted to Grand Piano. Same applied to Horn and Trombone. As for Marimba and Glockenspiel, it took some extra work but evidently my MIDI editor identifies them as generic percussion as opposed to their real instruments. Still can't figure out how to divide the Grand Staff so i just imported a version of my MIDI with "Trumpets Legato" and equivalents and everything ran smoothly.

Status (old) active closed

Well, for help using MuseScore, the best place to go is the Support forum, as I said. If you start a thread there and attach the MIDI file you are having trouble with, spmeone can propbably help you out in no time flat.