I think because there are other score elements (such as notes and rests), the shortcuts for 'Previous/Next Chord' should be renamed to something like 'Previous/Next Element (or object?)'.
Using MuseScore 1.1 and 2.0 Nightly Build (5002) - Mac 10.6.8.
Can't see shortcuts by These names, maybe they have been renamed to "previois/next beat (harmony)"
Tested in c289a00.
Reopen if neccessary
No, that's different. "Harmony" is what we might call a chord *symbol* - Eb7 or whatever. "Chord" is the actual note or notes. The shortcuts in question were the ordinary left and right cursor keys for moving horizontally through your score. Because the same shortcuts are now used for moving text, the new names are
Go to previous chord or move text left
Go to next chord or move text right
It remains the case that "chord" is a bit of a misnomer here, as the shortcut also stops on rests. However, "element" is not right either, as it's not *all* elements you can navigate to in this fashion - only chords and rests. And someday I hope to see (or perhaps add myself) a true "previous/next element" shortcut that would allow you to navigate to dynamics, clefs, barlines, etc.
So in order to be more accurate than the current text, if would have to be something like:
Go to previous chord or rest, or move text left
A chord, a rest... the current message might not be 100% accurate, it conveys the message no? we can make it two more words long, sure... but really?