Score missing

• Dec 15, 2016 - 18:21
Reported version
S2 - Critical

A score has reverted back to old version from 28/11/2016 and much of the work is no longer there. There is no other copy on computer which is more up to date. May have occurred during windows update however this has never happen when updating before and it has only occurred with this particular score.


It's better to ask for help in the Support forum. Basically, there is nothing MuseScore could possibly do to revert a score to an older version - it doesn't keep a history around to do that even if it wanted to. If you saved the file more recently, it *has* to be there on your computer. Presumably you accidentally saved to a different folder and/or under a different name (this might happen, for example, if there was a crash at some point and you were working from a recovered copy of the score rather than the original). Be sure when hunting that you tell your OS search facility it look in *all* folders and to report *all* MSCZ and MSCX files.