Measures with lyrics too big on print-out

• Dec 27, 2016 - 18:04
Reported version
S4 - Minor

My score printout looked fine for measure size until I added lyrics. Then the measure width on Page View and (more importantly for me) the print out was way too big: each measure - even with only 2-3 syllabus and notes - took up the whole horizontal page width. (the vertical spacing was OK). Searched the manual but couldn't find any way to compress measures horizontally.


Status (old) active needs info

It is normal that adding lyrics would increase measure widths, to avoid overlap of the lyrics. Until you attach the score we cannot say if what you are seeing more than just that. If it is literally one measure with only two or three syllables tr making a whole lo ine, then probably there are line breaks there you need to remove, as suggested above. Again, please attach the score so we can say for sure.

In the future, please ask for help in the Support forum first.

Status (old) needs info closed

There are a couple of things going on here.

One is, you have used voice 4 for the notes in the bottom staff. That's why you have extra rests. Don't do that, always start with voice 1 for each staff. You can fix that by selecting all (Ctrl+A) then Edit / Voices / Exchange Voice 1-4.

But that's not why your measures are so wide. That's because you have apparently increased the stretch for them by an enormous amount. To fix that, Ctrl+A to select all, then Layout / Reset Stretch. Not sure why you were messing with stretch settings, but if the idea was to limit the number of bars on a line, it's much better to use line breaks (from the Breaks & Spacers palette) instead.

Thanks, Marc. The reset stretch worked and setting bass staff voice 4 to 1 allowed me to delete the extra spaces. (didn't know all voices had to be in one staff and that you need to start with voice #1 - thanks for the tips).
As for messing with stretch - actually I didn't. I think Shoichi figured that one out - the staff properties probably indirectly came from an old Midi file. Looks like the lesson is either to start over or at least be prepared for several machinations if importing from a midi file.
Thanks, everyone!

Hmm, while the voice issues could have resulted from MIDI import and then subsequent editing, I don't see how stretch settings could have anything to do with MIDI file. Maybe someone else edited this score before you, or perhaps you accidentally used the keyboard shortcut "}" to increase strerch? If not, please post the MIDI file so we can see if somehow the stretch did come from there - but I actually don't see how that is possible.