Del Signo al Coda jumps correctly, but plays false measure

• Jan 14, 2017 - 14:54
Reported version
S4 - Minor

In the attached score at the second last measure Del Signo al Coda jumps correctly to tag signo and then from tag coda to tag codab, BUT then shows the score playing the last measure on screen while it plays the second last measure on audio.

GIT commit: 6347ed6

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Hvert_Oerstutt_Spor.mscz 26.63 KB


This is strange. It's actually playing measure 19 (the one after the "to Coda"). It does this even if you select the last measure only and play it.

I must say, I rarely see a "to Coda" inside a volta. The volta should not even be played after the D.S. since repeats are not normally played on the segno potion of the song. MuseScore is apparently forcing itself to do what it would not normally do and becoming confused in the process so it can get to the "to Coda."

The proper way to do this is as in the attached score (I changed the first coda sign to a "to coda" for my own reference). I inserted an extra measure in the coda and copied the measure you wanted played under the volta there and moved the coda to the correct measure.

Attachment Size
Hvert_Oerstutt_Spor.mscz 23.97 KB