Program renders certain icons too small on hidpi display

• Feb 3, 2017 - 17:50
Reported version
Graphical (UI)
S4 - Minor

I recently installed Musescore 2.0.3 on my new ASUS Zenbook Pro laptop. The problem I have is that the start center opens as a really small window and many of the buttons in the program are too small (like the x's on the pallettes. I talked with my brother who is a web devoloper and he thought it might have something to do with the fact that my new laptop is hidpi. He said that if a program is not designed to accommodate a hidpi screen it will render some things too small. I'm not sure if you guys are already aware of the issue or not, but I figured I'd let you know. Thanks for all that you do!

Best Regards,


GIT commit: 3c7a69d


Actually, MuseScore *is* designed to work with high DPI screens, but for some reason, somehow a small percentage of those machines seem to be reporting either their resolution or screen size incorrectly, so MuseScore does not manage to do the adjustment correctly. Mostly we see this with people who have unusual monitor configurations, like TV sets connected via VGA, or multiple monitors in use at once, etc. I don't think we've seen any cases where it happens with the built in screen on a laptop.

As a workaround for now, you can start cfrom the command line with the "-x (scale-factor)" option to force MuseScore to scale things up. Like, "-x 2" to make things twice as big. It won't necessarily affect everything that is currently too small on your system because unfortunately different people experiencing this problem see different symptoms, but it should help.

Meanwhile, I'm closing this as a duplicate of #106241: Monitor resolution detected incorrectly, making sizes wrong, so we can centralize all information we manage to collect in that place. If you have any insight into what - other than the mere fact of being high DPI - makes your system unique in ways that might shed light on why you sere this problem but others of us with high DPI screen do not, please share them there.