Time Sig Note Grouping UI has a bunch of extra slots for beam properties, which cause minor resize artifact. So tighten up

• Feb 18, 2017 - 04:50
Reported version
Graphical (UI)

happens in 2.1.0 5b4f256 and 3.0dev fade47128.

If you stretch the window (in either Time Signature Properties or for Creating New Time Signature in Master Palette) then the beam properties will get slightly resized, which is a minor quibble. But I think can be resolved easily by not having so many blank cells (and would look a little professional). Hard to display an image of this artifact...you'll have to just resize the window horizontally and see for yourself. But point being is that the solution is to simply remove the blank cells:

Screenshot (120).png


Title Time Sig Note Grouping UI has a bunch of extra slots for beam properties, which cause minor resize artificat Palettes should not display extra slots, b/c they cause a resize artifact when the right border is adjusted.

What the heck...I'm going to put the beam property selector inside of a QGroupBox, that way it is clear what that is.

I'm also discovered that the issue with the resizing artifact happens with most palettes, not just the beam properties (just try adjusting the workspace palette's right edge). So the fix for that is inside of the palette code. I'll generalize the title to reflect this.

Basically I would remove the part under the red X's:


Title Palettes should not display extra slots, b/c they cause a resize artifact when the right border is adjusted. Time Sig Note Grouping UI has a bunch of extra slots for beam properties, which cause minor resize artifact. So tighten up

Ok, well I've fixed the issue with the time signature UI...I'm thinking of splitting off my previous comment into a separate issue. I managed to fix my OP issue fixing the width of the Beam Properties palette to 114 pix. This way there are not superfluous cells that are rendered... Previously the width was "expanding", and the way that Palette::paintEvent() operated was that it would still adjust slack to individual cells even after exceeded the minimum width to hold all populated cells. If I were to fix in seperate issue, I would just stop that slack adjustment if width greater than the minimum needed to hold all cells.

Status (old) active patch (code needs review)

I made a PR https://github.com/musescore/MuseScore/pull/3003 which changes note_groups.ui so looks like below screenshots. In addition to fixing the width to 114 pixels, I put the palette inside of a QGroupBox so was clearly labeled. Here is how looks when inside the Master Palette's Create Time Sig editor:


And also note I put a horizontal spacer in between the Reset button and the Palette, so this is how the Time Sig Properties window looks:


Status (old) patch (code needs review) fixed

Fixed in branch master, commit 4121dbc1ae

fix #174836 Tighten Beam Properties in note_groups.ui

1. The beam properties palette is no longer ever-expanding horizontally, but rather fixed at minimum required pixels (114) in order to display only the 4 beam property cells. This prevents a noticeable artifact when resizing, and also makes the ui cleaner.
2. The Beam Properties palette in a QGroupBox named as such, that way it is clear what those 4 cells are.
3. The Reset button and the Beam Properties now share the same horizontal layout space.

Fixed in branch 2.1, commit e6a91008d6

fix #174836 Tighten Beam Properties in note_groups.ui

1. The beam properties palette is no longer ever-expanding horizontally, but rather fixed at minimum required pixels (114) in order to display only the 4 beam property cells. This prevents a noticeable artifact when resizing, and also makes the ui cleaner.
2. The Beam Properties palette in a QGroupBox named as such, that way it is clear what those 4 cells are.
3. The Reset button and the Beam Properties now share the same horizontal layout space.

well for 2.1 it is your call. The way I would fix it now is that I would change the palette rendering code to have it not display unecessary cells, but that seems like a more invovled fix and so wouldn't be something you would want in 2.1 anyway. So you can revert for 2.1, but leave it in 3.0.