Save selection crash

• Aug 27, 2012 - 07:29
S2 - Critical

In nightly 2012-08-18-7c7d7a3 on Windows, Save Selection results in a crash.

Steps to reproduce:
* Open the attached file
* Select the first bar of variation 28
* Hold Shift to select the F clef part with the mouse
* Ctrl + Shift + right arrow key, up to the end of the score
* Menu > File > Save Selection

Attachment Size
27_28.mscz 11.54 KB


As a test, I started with the last bar now and used Ctrl + Shift + left arrow to select the complete var28. Save selection didn't crash now. So the steps the reproduce the crash in the original report are crucial.

I don't think I can reproduce. Which version of Windows?

Could you do a screencast, or can someone confirm if it's Windows only?

1. Open attached score.
2. Click on treble stave of the first bar of 'Variation 28'.
3. Hold 'Shift' until after step 6.
4. Click on bass stave.
5. Hold 'ctrl' (Mac: Apple key) until after step 6.
6. Press 'Right' on the keyboard until the end.
7. 'Save Selection...'

Result: The window opens.

Using MuseScore 2.0 Nightly Build (ed25435) - Mac 10.7.4.