Crash when copying and pasting range with lines

• Nov 27, 2012 - 14:18
S2 - Critical

[GIT commit: 178ca82]

In any score (for instance, in the default Promenade Score), the presence of hairpins causes MuseScore to crash when copying and pasting.

-Create a hairpin
-Copy and then paste the portion with the hairpin

I haven't tried all the line elements, but so far it crashes with: 8va, hairpin and diagonal lines.

This is a Windows 7 - 64bit PC.


I had the same problem while copying ranges with lines (not hairpins but 'real' lines) and then I tried the pull request code: definitely an improvement, as the programme does not crash any more.

However, lines are copied in seemingly random positions.

Attached is a sample score (a shortened version of the Soriano's canons posted elsewhere) with several lines over the notes, rendering source's ligaturae: the 3rd part is the same in the first and in the second piece (and in other 108 pieces like these, so copying would be really useful); if the 3rd part of the first piece is copied on the 3rd voice of the second piece, lines are copied but not when one would expect them.

I do not know if this is still part of this issue or if it should be considered a new issue and this one be considered fixed by the pull request.



Attachment Size
test_copy_lines.mscx 280.2 KB