Start a score in 3/2/ time
Select a whole rest - select 1/2 note.
Expected result - whole rest breaks into 3 half rests and cursor sits on first rest.
Actual result - rest breaks into a half rest, 2 quarters and another half rest - cursor sits on 1st quarter rest.
Actually, when testing (latest revision), what is happening is that mscore is choosing the note-length one over from where you try to click (or enter from shortcuts). So, if you try to click half note, it enters quarter. If you try to enter quarter, it enters eighth. This behavior seems to be specific to the 3/2 time signature. I couldn't reproduce the behavior in 4/4
Workaround: click halfnote twice or hit "6" twice.
fixed in latest revisions. The full measure rest is actually divided into a half rest and a whole rest.
Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.