Lyrics lower margin can't go negative anymore

• May 23, 2013 - 12:23
Graphical (UI)
S4 - Minor

Lyrics lower margin can't go negative anymore, like it could in 1.x

Menu -> Style -> General... -> Page -> Lyrics lower margin
Tested with a256907


Using a negative value in a style sheet work. So there's nothing fundamentally wrong with it, it is just the GUI that doesn't allow for this.

Menu⟶Style⟶General…⟶Page⟶Lyrics lower margin is a rather cumbersome path.
I think one ought to be able to reach the editing of these margins by right clicking on the lyrics.

And you can already change the position of syllables individually or in groups of selected syllables using the Inspector. By "already", of course, I mean it is already implemented for 2.0. Although changing the position is more like changing the upper margin, not the lower. Still, changing lower margin is not something one would normally do more than once per score, if at all. And all other global style settings are done through that same style dialog, so it's really the correct place for it.

Regarding the original issue, the main purpose of a negative margin, I assume, is to allow the addition of lyrics to *not* increase staff or system distance. I'd personally rather just have a checkbox for that, rather than try to guesstime how big a negative margin will have the desired effect. But maybe you have a different use case in mind?

Very sorry about such a stupid question: Where can I find information about the «Inspector»? I have looked everywhere, except where I should, it seems… Nothing in the handbook (doing a text search in the preview app). I use OSX Mavericks, MS 1.3.