Entering a multi-voice note causes crash

• Jun 24, 2013 - 10:59
S2 - Critical

I am putting an old score I had in Finale into MuseScore. I am on the last page of a 21 page work and suddenly everytime I try to add a second voice on an instrument the program crashes. I am having to save after every measure. I put in the whole work so far and had no problems but now it crashes. I think it might be connected to midi in some way because when I am inputting notes it does not play them right. Some times they play as I click into the score as if they were very short and some times as if they were really long. I don't know what is going on but it is getting old. I am running Linux Mint 12 on an Acer Aspire One netbook. I tried upgrading to musescore 1.2 and it did not help.
I attached the file I am working on.

Attachment Size
All The Way.mscz 31.76 KB


A) you should rather upgrade to 1.3.
B) for isues like this you'd better first ask for help in the forum

The score you attached has only 8 pages, not anywhere near 21 as you claim?
Several instuments have 2 voices. Which one gives you trouble?
As far as I can tell ip plays back fine here, MuseScore 1.3 on WinXPpro SP3
I can add a 2nd voice in any line, no crash

The score in Finale was 21 pages. I was able to reduce that in Musescore. I did look in the forums for this problem. I did not find an answer. I made an error report because something makes the program so unstable that it shuts down. I am able to enter one layer on each and every instrument and then when I click the second layer button the program stops. I can save the file after each voice is added but that is not the way the program is meant to run. I just want to know what is wrong. It worked all this time and now it stopped working correctly.

No point in an error report here in the issue tracker, as long as the same problem doesn't also show in the curent nightly builds, as neiher your 1.2 nor the cuccent official 1.3 will recieve any further bug fixes, all development efort gos in to the next version 2.0.
And as said, try to upgrade to 1.3. I can't see your problem on 1.3 on Windows XP and Windows 7

It is a shock that you cannot see a problem that occoured in one OS in another OS that is completly different using a software version that has not been released for all linux users as safe. Wow.
I would think that in order for a test of this problem one would need to be running something similar.
If there is a problem in 1.2 that is fixed in 1.3 that is great but you have not said anything like: "Oh that problem, yeah we fixed that." or "Here is a patch until you can upgrade."
The 1.1 software crashed and then I upgraded to 1.2 and it still crashed. 1.3 is not available to me but there is no way of knowing if it will be a problem in it as well.

1.3 is generally available for Linux too. Whether it is easily accessible for your Distribution, is a different thing, and sorry, I can't help you there. And indeed I'm not sure whether this Problem is fixed in 1.3, I don't remember it being mentioned in the releasenotes.
You can always try a nightly build, you get it from the download page when scolling down a bit.

Title Crash every time I put in a second layer voice Entering a multi-voice note causes crash

Hi cdover

Could you say a bar that the crash is reproducible with?

Sure I made it to measure 62 (4 from the end) and the problem started. I can enter the first layer voice on any of the instruments and while there is some oddness with the midi during note entry the notes go in but as soon as I click the two to add a second layer to any of the instruments the program shuts down. When I restart it tells me it can restore the previous session but it only brings it back to the last save point. I can add a voice and save and restart when it crashes and then add the second layer voice and save but it makes for a long process as I have to readjust the zoom settings and synth volume settings every time I reopen the program.

I thought about that one too (I actually found that bug), but it might not be if you manage to change the voice before clicking on the stave?

Status (old) needs info closed

As there has been no response, I close this.

Please open another report if you manage to reproduce.