Tablature unavailable for electric guitar

• Jul 2, 2013 - 15:40
S4 - Minor

A tablature staff cannot be selected when the electric guitar is chosen as an instrument.
only standard staff is allowed

GIT commit: 0e89256
Win7 x64

Attachment Size
MSC_elecbug.png 113.87 KB


My bug was reproduced on a brand new 2.0 file. In fact, changing staff type to tabs for an acoustic guitar works fine. The issue is confined to the electric guitar.

vista 32/R.089256
acoustic Guitar;
Stave properties>Type>tablature;
Stave properties> Change instrument...> Electric Guitar:
It seems to work (?)

Attachment Size
Tab.png 14.92 KB

Yep, that does work. However, it's possibly even a whole new bug (allowing tabs on any instrument, see attachment for the result of using your workaround on a piano). It does not actually resolve the problem and is a hassle to work though every time you need an electric guitar.

Attachment Size
MSC_pianotab.png 186.52 KB

So why not create a template if it's something you're using often and create your new scores with that??

Could be something to do with instruments.xml - will look into it.

Status (old) active patch (ready to commit)

It appears that the Tablature information was somehow left out of instruments.xml

That has now been rectified and in my latest self-build it is now possible to select a tab staff for electric the Create Score dialog.

That will go up with my next pull request.

Guess this is fixed :)