Import lyrics from kar file

• Aug 8, 2013 - 11:03
S5 - Suggestion

Lyrics from .kar files are not imported, or at least not fully.

Using MuseScore 2.0 Nightly Build (0f2c6b3) - Mac 10.7.5.


Hopefully :).

Here is one in which a couple of lyrics appear - oddly, I can't see lyrics at all in other software I tried.

Here is one in which lyrics don't appear at all in MuseScore, but in other software.

It could get complicated when it comes to multiple lyrics happening simultaneously.

Also: You would maybe have to choose what instrument the lyrics apply to.

Indeed. It's still a bit under construction though. I will let trig-ger explain further but:

Most of the karaoke file use a dedicated track to put the lyrics. Each lyric event as a "timestamp". MuseScore has to guess which track is the melody to be able to display the lyrics under the right note. Currently it uses a "shorter distance" algorithm AFAIU, and there is no way to let the user decides which track is the melody. The automatic matching also consider the drum tracks to match the lyrics, probably not needed.