Beam of small chord aren't small
1. Open attached score (produced in 1.3).
Expected result:
Actual result: The sub-beam of the small note is of a normal notehead's length and size.
Using MuseScore 2.0 Nightly Build (cc016f8) - Mac 10.7.5.
According to page 17 of 'Behind Bars', a sub-beam should be the length of a notehead - a normal one is used to demonstrate, however.
I think this is bug?
Not sure if this bares influence?: #21999: Sub-beam varies in length
Another choice has been made in MuseScore for sub beam length. It's a style parameter available in Style -> Beams -> Minimum broken beam length. This value is used for all broken sub beams and is 1.32sp (sorry I mean "1.32 sp" :) by default. So it's not always a notehead width but at least it's customizable by the user.
That's being said, the beam of small chord should probably be made small. So I changed the title.
7ba8bb1fd5 fixes the problem for grace notes but not small notes.
We would need more real world examples to make a case. What would make a beam smaller? The first chord is small (Sib7 choice)? All the chords in the beam are small? Does it apply on sub beam and beams? etc...
See #23318: Beam of small notes not small
See also #32591: Stems too long on beamed grace notes. These reports are probably duplicates in that the same fix will likely solve both issues, but I'll leave both open in case that doesn't turn out ot be true.
Fixed in 7b823436d6
Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.