Style not 'remembering' accent position.

• Nov 11, 2013 - 14:36
S4 - Minor

I'm playing with the 2.0 nightly builds under Mac OS X. Mainly writing drum corps battery music. I've noticed a few idiosyncrasies with the inclusion of the 'Marching Percussion' instruments that I need to track down a little more fully, but for now, I'm having a strange problem getting my notation 'style' to stick. (I apologize if it may be pilot error, but I have tried a variety of regressions with out luck so far)

I prefer to place accents above the notation so that sticking can be put below, as seen here:


So, in my style, I just set it 'top staff' and it seems to be fine.


(btw- sure would be nice to have easier keyboard addition of articulation, especially for us drum-writer-people)

However, when I re-load the score everything is back to almost-default (the sticking 'style' is still correct, strangely)


I've tried to do things like save the style, load the style, save the default style, and I have sacrificed a few chickens. All to no success. Thoughts?

GIT commit: c9a9817

Attachment Size
right.png 11.53 KB
sf.png 8.18 KB
wrong.png 11.13 KB


That just changes the anchor, not the position, for that you'd probably need to change the Articulation distance to some negative value, that in turn doesn't seem to be possible in that dialog. It is though in the Inspector. -10 seems like a good value there?

Discussing this would be better suited in the technology preview forum .

OK, thank you.
I suppose I -am- confused in that, all I have to do to get the accents to where I _want_ them is to set them to Top Staff. No unusual offset needed.

And, indeed, I shall move this over to the TP forum.

As mentioned, changing the anchor *does* change the position - at least, it does when the style setting is first applied. However, upon save and reload, this style setting is not restored. In fact, it's worse than that it isn't remembered for the next articulation! That is, you can add articulations, change the style setting, and watch them flip, but add another articulation, and it's at the original default position, and if you go to Style / General / Articulation again, you'll see the settings have all reverted to their defaults again.

1) new score
2) add a note on bottom line of staff
3) add sforzato accent
4) style / general / articulations
5) change sforzato anchor to above staff
6) OK

Result: accent moves above as expected

7) add another note to bottom line
8) add a sforzato to it

Result: it appears below, not above as would have been expected