Stretch changes after operation

• Jan 15, 2014 - 17:20
S4 - Minor

1. Open attached score (possibly produced in 1.3).
2. 'Instruments…'.
3. 'Cancel'.

Result: Stretch changes.

Note: It can also be reproduced with other operations, such as pressing M on the keyboard.

Using MuseScore 2.0 Nightly Build (d65c722) - Mac 10.7.5.


I can't reproduce on Windows 7, build from this morning's sources. I can only guess that maybe it's one of those inevitable cases where due to round-off, it's right on the edge of being able to fit that fourth measure on the line or not, and anything that causes the layout to be recalculated runs the risk of going the other way. Except that actually, I found I was able to reduce stretch all the way down to 0.95 (from 1.0) before it fit another a fourth measure.

If you view measure properties, I assume it shows the stretch has *not* in fact changed but remains 1.0?

Had you looked at this file before my change to barNoteDistance a couple of days ago? Was it fitting 4 measures on that first system (as 1.3 does) or 3? If you go to Style / General / Measure and set barline to note distance to 0.60sp as was the default for scores imported from 1.3 until yesterday, so you get 4 measures on the first line or 3? I get still get 3.

There's definitely something going on with layout that still needs attention.

Status (old) active needs info

I still cannot reproduce. A lot has changed with respect to layout in the past couple of months. Maybe even the specific reason layout shifted on your system back in January may not apply any more?