Tempo Input Issue

• Mar 6, 2014 - 08:08
Graphical (UI)
S4 - Minor

I would very much like to be able to input tempos as metronome marks within my scores. It seems that MuseScore will only allow tempos to be entered as written Italian or German phrases (Adagio, Andante, etc.). This is impractical for me because of the nature of the music that I compose. I need to be able to re-designate the value of the note that receives the beat as well. If I am writing in 6/8 time, I need to assess tempos based on the value of a dotted quarter note - not a quarter note. Unless I am missing something, I have to create tempos that are unrealistic in order to fool the program into playing back my tunes properly. If I am composing in 2/2 meter, it makes sense that I should be able to adjust the tempo to the downbeat of a half note - not a quarter note.

I am still getting familiar with the software, and may be missing something that will resolve this. Can anyone help?


You'd better go to the Forum with questions like this.
MuseScore measures tempo on units of quarter notes and that ain#t going to Change.
However, in the next version it will detect and calculate the tempo based on the tempo text, which can include notes, e.g. a dotted quarter = 80 which whould make the tempo being 120BPM (beats, AKA quarters, per Minute).
In 1.x you'd have to do this calulation yourself. You can change both the tempo text (using F2 to get note heads) and the BPM (right click, tempo properties), see http://musescore.org/en/handbook/tempo