Crash on startup when not running the version created by 'make install'

• Nov 1, 2018 - 03:01
Reported version
S2 - Critical
by design

Merged with the latest code. Built on Windows 10 using QtCreator with MinGW. The following is printed in the console when I try to run within QtCreator:

Debug: PortMidi: open input (id=1) failed: PortMidi: `Host error' (D:\dev\\MuseScoreMinGW\mscore\pm.cpp:90, virtual bool Ms::PortMidiDriver::init())
Debug: Init midi driver failed (D:\dev\\MuseScoreMinGW\mscore\pa.cpp:145, virtual bool Ms::Portaudio::init(bool))
Fatal: ASSERT failure in QList::at: "index out of range", file C:/Qt/5.9.3/mingw53_32/include/QtCore/qlist.h, line 541 (C:/Qt/5.9.3/mingw53_32/include/QtCore/qlist.h:541, )
Open error: is JACK server running?


Severity S1 - Blocker S2 - Critical

As far as I know there are no plans to provide a MinGW version or MuseScore, 32bit or 64bit, as they won't have Qt Web Engine and so not the online part of the Start Center, but only a 64bit MSVC build, so this issue isn't a show stopper.

Let me fire up my MinGW 32bit bit build using Qt 5.9.7 (and Windows 10) to check...

Reproducibility Always Randomly
Status active needs info

OK, done, no crash. I get:

Cannot connect to named pipe after wait = \.\pipe\server_jack_default_0 err = 2
Cannot connect to server request channel
jack server is not running or cannot be started
JackShmReadWritePtr::~JackShmReadWritePtr - Init not done for -1, skipping unlock
JackShmReadWritePtr::~JackShmReadWritePtr - Init not done for -1, skipping unlock
Open error: is JACK server running?
Debug: Init midi driver failed (C:\Users\joschmitz\GitHub\MuseScore\mscore\pa.cpp:145, virtual bool Ms::Portaudio::init(bool))

But it repps running
(one difference might be that on this system I have JACK support disabled, as I don't want to install it there)

Tried a factory reset? Did you do the make install and run MuseScore from win32install/bin/?

Title Crash on startup due to PortMIDI 'host error' Crash on startup due to PortMIDI 'host error' when not running the version created by 'make install'
Title Crash on startup due to PortMIDI 'host error' when not running the version created by 'make install' Crash on startup when not running the version created by 'make install'
Reproducibility Randomly Always

and PortMIDI is not the culprit here at all