Chord symbol on text palette is empty on next startup after factory reset

• Jul 26, 2014 - 05:05
S4 - Minor

Ubuntu Studio 14.04, GIT commit: 5473249

1) mscore -F
2) open text palette, vierfy chord symbol is present
3) close MuseScore
4) mscore
5) open text palette

Result: the spot where the chord symbol belongs is empty

A chord symbol is not just a plain text item; there is more involved in creating one than for the other items on the text palette. It appears to be created when running with -F, but it isn't actually valid, and when the palette is written on exit, the "name" field is empty. So subsequent runs will show the palette box cell empty.

While it would probably be possible to fix this, there is more to it than just getting the text to display, and I don't think it is worth it. I will submit a PR to simply remove the chord symbol from the palette.
