File is corrupted, blank page

• Apr 2, 2020 - 06:58

A musescore file I have is now corrupted and when I try to 'Ignore' it, a blank (blue) page opens up.

I believe that this was caused by an error in saving (or autosave) but I don't know for sure. Last time this file was working, I was exporting the parts (piano and melody) then an error occured with the export. It appears that I have ran out of storage (I had a multiple programs opened that apparently required a lot of RAM). I closed all running applications, restarted my computer, and did a few clean up. When I tried to open the file again, it is now corrupted and I have no idea how to fix this.

Thank you.

Attachment Size
Show_Yourself.mscz 27.06 KB


The score file apparently is a corrupt ZIP archive, containing the thumbnail it that score:
plus some small container.xml and all the metatata, but apparently no valid content for the score itself.
(and zipping the PNG alone results in an archive of about the same size as your score file, furter proof that there is no further score data in your score file)

Could very well have been the result of a full disk.
Hopefully you'll find the backup and can recover from that

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