Repeats and Jumps

• Dec 10, 2020 - 02:59

After adding second repeat endings 1 and 2 no longer work correctly Test1.mscz . It plays ok as xml from Finale Print Music???


Plays fine for me. What goes wrong specifically? Did you perhaps accidentally turn off playback of repeats in the main toolbar? Or maybe you are in continuous view using an older version that had a bug with repeats in that view? If so, update to 3.5.2.

In reply to by JimWilson-Pink-Umby

I am still not understanding what you are experiencing or expect to happen. The sample plays exactly as I expect. See the picture. It plays up to the end repeat sign (blue) , returns to the start repeat sign, plays to the start of volta 1, skips volta 1 and plays volta 2 (red).


Does something else happen for you, or do you expect something different to happen?

In reply to by JimWilson-Pink-Umby

You wrote:
With repeats on plays 1st repeat correctly then plays through and jumps to end instead of repeating and then jumping to 2nd.

How can it play the "1st repeat correctly" and then "jumps to end instead of repeating"'?
Either it plays the repeat or it jumps instead of repeating. You can't have both.

So.... to keep it simple.
How many times total do you want those bars between the repeat signs played?
(Notice I'm not asking how many times you want them repeated.)

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