Manual Spacing offset between quavers

• Sep 28, 2024 - 13:23

Hi, i found old documentation of how to achieve this offset between quavers in older versions of musescore, but none for M4. Since the Inspector has since been overhauled, i am clueless. In the properties Tab you can manually offset the heads and stems, but the beam does not have said feature. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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unison test.png 9.68 KB


musescore help.JPG here is a visual representation of my problem:

i have the above and want it to look like my handdrawn verson below (basically just move the orange voice a nod to the right)

Attachment Size
musescore help.JPG 30.19 KB

In reply to by profsmog

A Bach Fugue? If so, which one? Or another composer? Please be more specific, by providing a pdf or an image of a few measures (including the one you've drawn), we might be able to advise you better. Also, I'm not sure that placing the bass line in Voice 2 is appropriate here.

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