Changing zoom from combobox doesn't update the blue rectangle in navigator

• Nov 1, 2014 - 14:53

Say your default zoom is 100%.

Open the sample score (created with MuseScore d75fb33 on Xubuntu 14.10) attached to this issue: test-navigator.mscz

Change the zoom to "Page Width".

The first page is positioned correctly. The left edge of the page corresponds exactly to the limit of the display area. Same for the right edge:


With the navigator in the bottom, move the blue rectangle completely to the right:


We expect to see the last page (page 3) positioned correctly. However, it's shifted right. The left edge of the page doesn't fit the limit of the display area, and the right edge is not seen because it exceeds the limit of the display area:




Here's another bug, but the cause is probably the same:

Open the the sample score.

Change the zoom to "Page Width".

With the navigator in the bottom, move the blue rectangle completely to the right.

Change the zoom to "200%".

Result: the view is cropped:

Attachment Size
test-navigator-zoom-200.png 23.44 KB
Title Last page of a score not positioned correctly (shifted right) Last page of a score not positioned correctly using Navigator

Confirmed. On my machine, the discrepency is rather worse - the last measure is cut off to the right. Probably a result of different screen resolutions or different default zoom settings (mine is set to 150% because I have a relatively high DPI display and otherwise things are too small).

It's also bad if I try a higher zoom factor, like 400% - navigator will only get me about half-way through the last page.

On my machine at least, if I then drag the canvas with the mouse, I can see the right edge of the page (and then some), and from then on, the Navigator works correctly.

I think the problem may be that the blue rectangle in the navigator does not resize itself when zoom is changed. Another example:

Open the score test-navigator.mscz.

Go to the last page (page 3) and set the zoom to "400%".

Select the first measure of the page 3.

Move to the bottom of the page and "Shift+Left click" the last measure.

Delete measures with "Ctrl+Delete".

Set the zoom to "100%".

Result: almost all the page 2 is hidden:


The problem seems to be the blue rectangle that is still sized as if zoom was still 400%:


instead of the new zoom of 100%:


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Title Last page of a score not positioned correctly using Navigator Changing zoom from combobox doesn't update the blue rectangle in navigator

I tested cf50003, and it's still buggy.

About the bug described in the issue description (tested with zoom "Page Width"), when I move the blue rectangle completely to the right, the score is now shifted left:

instead of being shifted right (like the "original" bug):

About bugs described in comments 1 and 3, I still reproduce them with the same steps.

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I don't understand how any of these are bugs.

The pictures above seems to just show just seem to show slight differences in how the page is positioned with the window.

For #1 & #3, if you change zoom, of course a different amount of the page fits. When changing from lower to higher zoom, MuseScore has to decide whether to keep the portion to the left, right, top, or bottom. When changing form higher to lower zoom, it has to decide whether to add more content above or below, left or right. No matter which way it decides, it's going to be what you want sometimes and not at other times. You just happened to show examples where it is not.

Am I missing something?

I'll try to be clearer. You wrote: The pictures above seems to just show just seem to show slight differences in how the page is positioned with the window. You refer to pictures in my comment 7. The second picture is just what I explained in the issue description and what you confirmed in your comment 2. The last page was shifted right, so depending on the zoom, last measures could be cut off. Maybe it's not evident in my screenshot because of the zoom, but it's what you referred to in your comment 2: Confirmed. On my machine, the discrepency is rather worse - the last measure is cut off to the right. Probably a result of different screen resolutions or different default zoom settings.

The first image is the new result with the recent commit cf50003. It's still buggy. Instead of being shifted right, the last page is now shifted left. Maybe it's not evident in my screenshot because of the zoom, but with zoom "Page Width", if the score has very small margins, we see that the last page is shifted left. Measure numbers and system brackets are cut off:

Compare the last page above with the first page below (same small margins and zoom "Page Width"). There's no bug with the page 1, so the page exactly fits the score view:

I would expect to have the same result with the last page. So what I try to explain is that the commit cf50003 replaces the old bug (last page shifted right) by a new one (last page shifted left).

About #1 and #3, I'll do screencast. It'll be clearer.

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About #1, the bug is fixed by the commit cf50003. My mistake. I thought it was not fixed.

@Marc: you wrote: For #1 & #3, if you change zoom, of course a different amount of the page fits. The problem with #1 was not that the view was cropped and a different amount of the page fitted, but that the view was cropped and it was not possible to view more because the blue rectangle was already completely to the right, so it was not possible to move it to see measures cropped. That's why I meant by With the navigator in the bottom, move the blue rectangle completely to the right. But it's fixed now.

OK, for #1, I understand there *used* to be a bug in that it was then impossible to drag the navigator box further to show the rest of the page. That is, the bug wasn't that the view changed; it was that it became impossible to use the navigator to show the rest of the page. Similarly for #3 - the bug wans't that the display changed, but that the navigator box became out of sync with the display.

As far as I can tell, both of these bugs are fixed. The display still changes, but that much was never a bug in the first palce. The bug was that the navigator box was then out of sync with the display. But as far as I can tell, that bug is fixed, both for #1 and #3.

Regarding the original, I now see what you mean. I don't see the discrpenacy on My First Score if I add page breaks, nor do I see it on scores I create from scratch, but I do see it in your test score. The very slight discrepancy only appears to make a relevant difference (eg, cutting off the brackets in your example) if your page margins are close to 0.

About #3, the problem is still there with cf50003. The size of the blue rectangle is not updated when we change the zoom from 400% to 100%. That's why there's so little measures displayed on the score view. We must move the blue rectangle to force it to update its size. See the attached screencast. The bugs occurs at time 37s when the zoom is changed from 400% to 100%. The size of the blue rectangle is not updated. It's updated only at time 45s when I manually move it just a few pixels.

Attachment Size 1.12 MB
Status (old) fixed active

I don't seem to have a program that can open that file - an online screencast would be easier. But based on your description, I think I can see what you mean now. The problem again, in my opinion, isn't that MuseScore happens to decide to show you more space to the right and below the original view when you apparently would have preferred it show you more space above and to the left. the problem is that the blue rectangle didn't update exactly correctly. But it's much improved over before. The rectangle is actually accurate in that it shows you the correct portion of the score - it just fails to show you that it is also showing an rea below and to the right. And unlike before, this all fixes itself immediately upon moving the rectangle.

So I guess I'd call both remaining issues active but minor.

The screencast can be seen with Firefox natively (File > Open File).

The rectangle is actually accurate in that it shows you the correct portion of the score - it just fails to show you that it is also showing an rea below and to the right.

Yes, that's it. However, what's weird is that manually moving the blue rectangle just a few pixels makes it to move a lot more than just a few pixels, because it automatically repositions itself in the page area.

I see the blue rectangle being to small after startup and until 1st change of zoom or size of navigator.
It does not reflect what actually is visible on screen but is considerably smaller

Maybe that
emit viewRectChanged();
from cf500032 needs to get added at some other place too?

Can you be more specific? Which score do you see this problem with? When you say "startup", do you mean, if you start MuseScore up with that score (eg, by double clicking in your file browser)? What's your default zoom setting?

For me, the only time I see a problem is as described in #13, where the blue rectangle is correctly showing the portion of score that is visible - it is just failing to also show you that a considerable portion of the window is devoted to stuff below and too the right of the score. But then, the navigator rectangle never normally extends off the page. If you drag a score so that some portion of the last page takes up the left side of the screen and the right side is just MuseScore's background, the blue rectangle correctly shows the portion of the score that is visible - ti just doesn't show that half the screen is taken up by the stuff off the right.

I've setup to start with last session, and that had a multi page score open, so does the new session.
And then the blue rectangel is showing a smaller portion than is actually visible.
This adjusts as soon as I either change the size of the navigator or the zoom factor.

I'll do a screen shot, tomorrow...

I take it that really is page 4? Were you at something other than 100% zoom when you last exited MuseScore, so perhaps it is showing you the correct amount of the page as it was then? It would really help to have the score itself and complete step by step instructions to reproduce. And it seems that since this bug appears directly on startup (only with last session option enabled, apparently), and actually *goes away* when changing zoom, that it is a different bug and should be filed separately.

Yes it really is page 4, I was a 100% zoom, moved to the top left corner, closed MuseScore, started again and ended up at that screenshot.
I'm pretty sure you'd see this with any multi-page score.
And I think that the same fix as for this issue here, just at a different spot, should fix it

Yes, the "different spot" is the thing - someone could fix the actual issue at hand but your issue would still exist. That's why they should be separate issues - so they can be tracked independently.

And in any case, I still don't have clear step by step instructions to reproduce. I tried - created a four page score, moved the rectangle to the top left corner of page 4, set the continue last session option, closed MuseScore, and restarted. But I didn't see a problem. So please, could you open a new issue and attach a score (doesn't have to be that one if you think it would happen with some other four page score - just test first to be sure) and give *precise* steps to reproduce. It really does help. Right now, I still can't reproduce this, but I don't have enough information to know why.