Crashes when inserting 3 whole notes using (+).

• Nov 6, 2014 - 03:39
Graphical (UI)
S2 - Critical

I was arranging a piece on Musescore Beta 2.0.0 and was adding in whole notes with keyboard shortcuts. I was working on the second part on the staff. I typed in 7 then E to get a whole note on the e space. I then pressed + to tie another whole note, and then again for a third whole note. Upon hitting the (+) for the third whole note, Musescore crashed. I was able to replicate it in the same place in the music (when I went back to redo lost progress) but was not able to replicate it in other places.

It doesn't seem super pressing, as I could add the notes fine with the mouse, and it seems like a rare bug, but I thought that I'd let you all know.
