MusicXML: create a setting where only the explicit breaks are exported

• Jan 20, 2010 - 22:32
S5 - Suggestion

hi all,

it would be a nice feature to have a setting, that determines whether all formatting breaks (for example page break) are exported into musicxml, as it is now, or only the breaks are exported, that i have added manually.

i often upload to Wikifonia, and sometimes MuseScore enters a page break where Wikifonia wouldn't, but this was i have also a page break in Wikifonia, so i have to edit the musicxmls manually...

any alternative solution is also welcome.



For page breaks, you can put everything on one page in MuseScore by reducing the scaling in Layout -> Page parameters -> Scaling.
For line breaks, you can add less stretch to measures to put them at the right place.

Currently MuseScore exports 'new page' elements in the MusicXML, even when the user has not explicitly entered a page break, but rather e.g. a system break. I don't agree with this method and would like to see it changed as well.

I understand that MusicXML wants to hold as many layout elements as possible, but only those explicitly entered by the user. If not, it becomes unpredictable when opening it in other notation software.

Title Create a setting where only the explicit breaks are exported MusicXML: create a setting where only the explicit breaks are exported