Time signature missing after undo of local time signature

• Feb 13, 2015 - 07:12
S4 - Minor

1. Create 4/4 banjo score.
2. Add 3/4 as a local time signature.
3. 'Edit'>'Undo'.

Result: Time signature is missing.

Using MuseScore 2.0 Nightly Build 620c997 - Mac 10.7.5.


4. And it comes back with Redo :)
There is some issues not resolved with local time signature. I will look at it is related or not.

Related or not, not easy to say. I always see the same behavior these nine months back (Local Time Sig disappears after Undo, and reappears after Redo)

Note that there is a very effective workaround (better than a workaround?) by dragging the local Time Signature, not in the measure, but on (with highlight) the former global time signature. In this case, the issue does not arise.
Ditto with select+Ctrl and double click in the palette.
time sig.jpg

The bug as far as I can tell applies *only* when ctrl+dragging the local time signature to a measure that already contains a time signature change (or, measure 1) - otherwise, it is of course totally correct that undoing would delete the time signature you just added.

And indeed, the bug as described appears only if you ctrl+drag to the measure, not if you ctrl+drag directly on top of the existing time signature. However, that's only because ctrl+dragging on top of an existing time signature doesn't actually create a local time signature - it creates a normal one (ie, it is added to all staves).

Right. I forgot this: Ctrl + dragging on an existing time signature creates a normal one, added to all staves. A good wakeup call! Thanks.