Check "stemless" in Measure Properties works badly in Tab staff

• May 9, 2015 - 20:58
S4 - Minor

Nightly 6356462, or MuseScore 2.0.1 / Windows 7

1) Open this file (Tab staff "common" + Standard staff): test file.mscz

2) For each of four measures in top staff (Tab staff), do: right-click -> Measure Properties -> Check "Stemless" -> Ok

Expected result:
expected result.jpg
Current result (see below): the stems of the half notes, quarter notes, dotted half notes and dotted quarter notes remains below the staff, and can't be deleted.
Same result with linked staves, or with two staves after copy-paste
Workaround: choose a Tab staff "simple", or tick "None" for Note Values in Advanced style Properties

I don't checked all in detail, but it seems that these scenarios don't lead to a crash, in contrast with the irregular tuplets and dotted notes (e.g. dottet quarter note + 8th) as described in this related issue: #59861: Tick "stemless" in measure properties for an irregular triplet and dotted notes causes a crash in Tab staff


For future reference, it's possible to have the expected result by changing the staff type (right click on the staff -> staff properties -> Advanced staff style -> duration -> none

Status (old) fixed active

Yes, Nicolas, it's exactly that I have proposed as workaround (for the record, it's rather the "normal" way to do it) in my first report above: Workaround: choose a Tab staff "simple", or tick "None" for Note Values in Advanced style Properties
EDIT: Oups... crossed message :)